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Why I Eat What I Eat.

The people, who know me personally, already know that I do and do not eat a weird combination of things. For example, right now I am completely vegan- except for the fact that I have eggs. I don’t know how no one ever acknowledges this but what you eat is heavily dependent on the people you live with and the people who cook for you. You cannot eat hummus and carrots while everyone else at that table is having a full-fledged meal. I’ve had a lot of people ask me why I have eggs at all. Were eggs the only item that escaped the vegan cut-down because they were so extraordinarily delicious? Well, not really. I simply cannot leave eggs because my family is going to freak out about Vitamin B12 deficiency if I do. And I cannot really blame them. Vegan diets are not a very commonly occurring phenomenon in middle-class Bengali households. So why did I become vegan at all? Let’s go back to the start. (Just a side-note before I travel back in time to the 90s, this piece of writing is ...

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